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Injured patients can seek compensation.

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Injured patients can seek compensation.

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Firefighting Foam Linked to Cancer

PFAS has been connected to the following cancer types:

  • Bladder cancer
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Kidney cancer
  • Testicular cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Neuroendocrine tumors
  • Thyroid cancer

Additional health dangers exist from exposure to firefighting foam. Among the other potential side effects are:

  • Impaired growth in children
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Immune system damage

Because PFAS does not deteriorate in the human body, its potential for severe damage is ongoing. This substance is highly durable and its full effects are not yet known.

Who is at Risk of Harm?

Unfortunately, men and women who perform military duty as firefighters in the United States are at serious risk of being harmed by this cancer-causing foam. The substance has been used militarily since the latter part of the 1960s. Additionally, firefighters at airports used the foam until 2018, and those exposed stand a great risk of harm.

Certain areas received greater exposure and, therefore, individuals who were in these areas may have suffered greater harm. Some of the specific areas include:

  • Chemical plants
  • Oil refineries, terminals, and bulk fuel storage farms
  • Firefighter training areas
  • Aircraft crash sites
  • Military airport hangars
  • Processing and storage facilities for flammable liquids
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Firefighting Foam Side Effects and Complications

PFAS has been connected to the following cancer types:

  • Bladder cancer
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Kidney cancer
  • Testicular cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Neuroendocrine tumors
  • Thyroid cancer

Additional health dangers exist from exposure to firefighting foam. Among the other potential side effects are: 

  • Impaired growth in children
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Immune system damage

Because PFAS does not deteriorate in the human body, its potential for severe damage is ongoing. This substance is highly durable, and its full effects are not yet known.

Who is at Risk of Harm?

Unfortunately, men and women who perform military duty as firefighters in the United States are at serious risk of being harmed by this cancer-causing foam. The substance has been used militarily since the latter part of the 1960s. Additionally, firefighters at airports used the foam until 2018, and those exposed stand a great risk of harm.

Certain areas received greater exposure and, therefore, individuals who were in these areas may have suffered greater harm. Some of the specific areas include:

  • Chemical plants
  • Oil refineries, terminals, and bulk fuel storage farms
  • Firefighter training areas
  • Aircraft crash sites
  • Military airport hangars
  • Processing and storage facilities for flammable liquids
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Injured by Firefighting Foam Containing PFAS?

Firefighting Foam

Firefighting Foam 

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Firefighting Foam Lawsuits

Due to the extreme difficulty in extinguishing jet fuel and petroleum fires, a product known as aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) was created several decades ago. While the chemical-based foam makes the job much easier, it has now been linked to various types of cancers, affecting firefighters and others regularly exposed to the substance. Among the cancer types traced to firefighting foam are kidney, testicular, and pancreatic.  If you have developed an illness and believe it is linked to firefighting foam exposure, call the Guardian Legal Network today and find out if you qualify for compensation. 

Guardian Legal Network

Guardian Legal Network (GLN) supports the fight against corporate negligence by partnering with premier law firms from across the country with years of experience in mass tort litigation who possess the resources necessary to combat big pharmaceutical, chemical, and medical device companies on your behalf.  GLN will help you file your AFFF claim so that you may receive justice by means of financial compensation. 

How Does It Work?

Answer the simple questions on the form above to quickly see if you qualify for a claim. If so, a claim specialist from GLN will give you a call within 24 hours to confirm the details. On that call, the claim specialist will verify your contact information, gather more details about your claim, and assess your eligibility. Once your claim has been verified, you will be sent legal documents to establish an attorney-client relationship with a GLN-partnered attorney who specializes in fire fighting foam case litigation and settlements. Once the signed legal documents have been returned, the partnered  AFFF attorney will reach out with any additional questions for you.

What is Firefighting Foam?

Per three entities, (1) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2) the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and (3) the American Cancer Society, it is possible that PFAS could be linked to the development of cancer. The classification of being “emerging contaminants” has been given to the chemicals within the PFAS group, meaning they may likely be hazardous to human health.

Many fire departments in the U.S. stopped using foam containing PFAS. The military, however, still uses the dangerous substance at its bases. Sadly, there is a far-reaching negative effect on people who never handled the substance at all. Their contact with the dangerous chemical can be attributed to the local groundwater carrying the substance and then entering into public drinking water supplies.

Many fire departments in the U.S. stopped using foam containing PFAS. The military, however, still uses the dangerous substance at its bases. Sadly, there is also a far-reaching negative effect on people who’ve never handled the substance at all. Their contact with the dangerous chemical can be attributed to the local groundwater carrying the substance and then entering into public drinking water supplies.

The company credited with first producing these dangerous compounds is 3M. Over time, the cancer-causing substances made their way into many chemical products. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict just how long these dangerous compounds will remain in the environment, wreaking havoc on human health.

Firefighting Foam Lawsuits

Due to the extreme difficulty in extinguishing jet fuel and petroleum fires, a product known as aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) was created several decades ago. While the chemical-based foam makes the job much easier, it has now been linked to various types of cancers, affecting firefighters and others regularly exposed to the substance. Among the cancer types traced to firefighting foam are kidney, testicular, and pancreatic.  If you have developed an illness and believe it is linked to firefighting foam exposure, call the Guardian Legal Network today and find out if you qualify for compensation. 

Guardian Legal Network

Guardian Legal Network (GLN) supports the fight against corporate negligence by partnering with premier law firms from across the country with years of experience in mass tort litigation who possess the resources necessary to combat big pharmaceutical, chemical, and medical device companies on your behalf. GLN will help you file your AFFF claim so that you may receive justice by means of financial compensation. 

How Does it Work?

Answer the simple questions on the form above to quickly see if you qualify for a claim. If so, a claim specialist from GLN will give you a call within 24 hours to confirm the details. On that call, the claim specialist will verify your contact information, gather more details about your claim, and assess your eligibility. Once your claim has been verified, you will be sent legal documents to establish an attorney-client relationship with a GLN-partnered attorney who specializes in fire fighting foam case litigation and settlements. Once the signed legal documents have been returned, the partnered  AFFF attorney will reach out with any additional questions for you.

What is Firefighting Foam?

Per three entities, (1) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2) the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and (3) the American Cancer Society, it is possible that PFAS could be linked to the development of cancer. The classification of being “emerging contaminants” has been given to the chemicals within the PFAS group, meaning they may likely be hazardous to human health.

Many fire departments in the U.S. stopped using foam containing PFAS. The military, however, still uses the dangerous substance at its bases. Sadly, there is also a far-reaching negative effect on people who’ve never handled the substance at all. Their contact with the dangerous chemical can be attributed to the local groundwater carrying the substance and then entering into public drinking water supplies.

The company credited with first producing these dangerous compounds is 3M. Over time, the cancer-causing substances made their way into many chemical products. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict just how long these dangerous compounds will remain in the environment, wreaking havoc on human health.